• bk4
  • bk5
  • bk2
  • bk3


To do dynamic balance requires 4 steps: first LOGO removed, the wheel mounted dynamic balance, choose the size of the fixator. First pull out the ruler on the dynamic balancing machine, measure it, and then input the first controller.

The second step is then to take the tape out, measure the rim width, again on the second controller input.

1 (2)

The third step is in the

controller input rim diameter,

press STRAR, start.

When the test stops, the computer will measure the weight of the weight needed to increase the inside and outside of the rim, first installed outside, turn the tire, according to the tips to the weight.

Dynamic balance keeps the tire from deflecting:

Dynamic balance is only for a single tire, the goal is to make the tire in rotation when its own center of gravity does not deflect. Dynamic balance as long as the tire removed, on the dynamic balance machine, turn, look at the machine shows the value.

How to choose the weight of the balance block:

Type the wheel weights on both sides of the hub (a small tin block with buckles and weights marked on it) , but note that, for example, the numbers on the left and right show 10,15, and 10, respectively, should be simultaneously on the left and right to hit the weight of 10 and 15 of the two balance, and not only on the right to hit a weight of 5 balance, it is not up to the requirements.


The tire shall be checked regularly with the dynamic balance tester. There are Dynamic equilibrium and static tire balances. Dynamic unbalance will make the wheel swing, make the tire wave-type wear; static unbalance will have bumpy and jumpy phenomenon, often make the tire produce flat spot phenomenon. Therefore, regular balance detection can not only prolong the tire life, but also improve the stability of the car driving to avoid high-speed driving due to tire swing, jump, lost control of traffic accidents.

Post time: Nov-07-2022